Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Jamie doesn't say anything funny to me recently. How rood. But I have some saved up so here ya go.

Jamie: Uh oh I have a tail!

Why she would say something like this I will leave you to determine. But be warned Jamie may not actually be from the areas of the cloudy region. And lets just say the reason the house was smelling suspiciously like sulfur may or may not be related to where Jamie is really from.

Friday, December 13, 2013

An explanation if you will

This blog will be updated based completely on how funny Jamie is in a day. If posts do not come frequently blame it on Jamie being a dull humorless person every now and then. Also be warned some of the things Jamie says are not for the faint of heart. She has be known to have a heart cold as ice. (I mean we all know she wouldn't even give up her bed for a pregnant person.)
If you are under 18 you probably shouldn't read this. (That's only Jamie h4h4h4h4h4)

Bringing you more of what we all love

Today when she was leaving to her chamber performance, Jamie referred to me as Dobbins. I believe she is trying to insinuate that I look similar to a character from Harry Potter. It was very Rude.